UpDwell Homes Blog
Get the latest tips and tricks for buying a new homeWhat Do I Need To Know About Rising Interest Rates on Mortgages?
It doesn't matter if it is your first home, if you are refinancing a home, or selling a home, the rising interest rates will make a difference in price. Mortgage interest rates also create more uncertainty in the housing market than most of us can remember in recent...
What’s an ADU and How can it Help Make my House Payment?
Because of the housing shortage in Utah over the past several years, the state passed a bill allowing homeowners to put an Accessory Dwelling Unit or ADU in their single-family home. This essentially allows an apartment within any single-family home regardless of the...
Everything You Need to Know About Accessory Dwelling Units
If you are wondering about or considering an investment in accessory units, then there are several things to consider. It doesn't matter if you are thinking about trying to make money by renting accessory dwelling unit areas or simply adding an accessory dwelling unit...
Prepare Your Property for Winter
Are you wondering how to prepare home for winter? Once the weather turns colder outside, there are several things you can do to keep your home and property protected, including your water pipes and helping to keep your utility bills down. How To Prepare Your Home for...
Tips and Tricks for Decorating Your Home
Your home is your castle, and making sure you are getting it decorated to fit your style is a must. There are some great tips for decorating that you can use in your home to make it something you truly love all year long. There are plenty of tips you can use that can...
What You Should Know Before Building Your Own House
Building a house is a complicated process that requires lots of planning and patience. You’ve heard experts say that the process of building a house starts long before the foundation is poured. That’s why most people tend to go with the less complicated way—buying a...
Should I Wait to Buy a House?
Buying a house is a huge financial decision. There are a lot of factors to consider when you're trying to decide if now is the right time for a new home. 1. What Is the Inventory In Your Area? If there is a housing shortage, prices will be driven up and you may have...
The Ultimate Guide to Home Renovations That Add Value
Homeowners who are looking to do home improvement projects have a staggering amount of options to consider. However, before any home renovation is set in motion, homeowners should strongly consider if the project they are planning will actually increase home value or...
The Benefits of Owning an Energy Efficient Home
There has been a significant increase in the awareness of environmental issues and their effects on society. This has led to an increased demand for energy-efficient homes. Numerous studies have shown that not only do these homes use less energy, but they also provide...
Custom Floorplans vs Stock Floorplans: Which Is Right for You?
When investing in personal home construction, you have one of two basic options when it comes to the floor plan: a custom floor plan or a stock floor plan. Each of these has pros and cons, and in the end, the choice will be yours. Pros and Cons of a Custom Floor Plan...
Advantages of Buying a New House vs an Old One
There has been a big debate between buying a new house vs an old house. Some people believe that buying an old house is the best way to go because they are cheaper and you can fix them up to look exactly how you want. Other people believe that buying a new house is...
Additions to Your New Build You Should Consider
Are you building a custom home? One of the best benefits of building your home from scratch is that you get to choose every element of the design. From the style of the home to the layout to the fixtures and finishes, everything is up to you. We'll discuss some of the...

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